I have put here together copies of some documents pertaining to the original CoBra project. The grey mainboard | The green mainboard |
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The two images of the ORIGINAL mainboard, along with the ORIGINAL hardware manual scanned are basically the most important starting points, which allowed me to begin this project with high chances of success. Therefore I will take this opportunity to give a very special thanks to Roelof Koning from Holland for these critical pieces of information. I asked him to scan - especially for me - the copy of the original hardware manual he owns, grayscale at 300 dpi. This allowed me a full reproduction of all information in it. Without these two pieces of information I don't think I could have easily get to what you can see today on this website.
In order to get to a correct conclusion by logical means, I decided to follow a double path:The original CoBra mainboard printed circuit (dual layer), courtesy of Roelof Koning |
Component side, seen from the components: |
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The bottom (opposite side), seen from the bottom: |
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The original CoBra hardware manual scanned, |
The original CoBra CP/M manual - photocopy |
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"Introducing CoBra" | "OPUS User Manual" |
Mainboard modifications, side 1 (component side): |
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Mainboard modifications, side 2 (bottom side): |
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List of connection changes for the original mainboard:
Schematics for the two extra modules:
These are two little circuits built by me and attached to the mainboard by wires, containing basically the 80KB RAM modification, the 80 char/line CP/M modification, a NMI signal generator controlled by a push button, and a few more little improvements. Please note this is about the particular case of my own constructive solution with the lousy means I had at the time. Not exactly a high-end piece of work (actually crappy in my opinion) but that's what I could do at that moment.
Module #1 printed circuit:
Module #2 printed circuit:
The original CoBra hardware manual |
The original CoBra Basic manual (not translated to English yet) |
The original CP/M CoBra manual (not translated to English yet) |
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7400 | Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND gates |
7402 | Quadruple 2-input positive-NOR gates |
7403 | Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND gates with open-collector outputs |
7404 | Hex inverters |
7405 | Hex inverters with open-collector outputs |
7406 | Hex inverter buffers/drivers with open-collector high-voltage outputs |
7407 | Hex buffers/drivers with open-collector high-voltage outputs |
7408 | Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gates |
7409 | Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gates with open-collector outputs |
7410 | Triple 3-input positive-NAND gates |
7411 | Triple 3-input positive-AND gates |
7412 | Triple 3-input positive-NAND gates with open-collector outputs |
7413 | Dual 4-input positive-NAND Schmitt triggers |
7414 | Hex Schmitt-trigger inverters |
7415 | Triple 3-input positive-AND gates with open-collector outputs |
7416 | Hex inverter buffers/drivers with open-collector high-voltage outputs (15V) |
7417 | Hex buffers/drivers with open-collector high-voltage outputs (15V) |
7419 | Schmitt-trigger positive-NAND gates and inverters with totem-pole outputs |
7420 | Dual 4-input positive-NAND gates |
7421 | Dual 4-input positive-AND gates |
7424 | Schmitt-trigger positive-NAND gates and inverters with totem-pole outputs |
7426 | Quadruple 2-input high-voltage interface positive-NAND gates |
7427 | Triple 3-input positive-NOR gates |
7430 | 8-input positive-NAND gate |
7431 | Delay elements |
7432 | Quadruple 2-input positive-OR gates |
7433 | Quadruple 2-input positive-NOR buffers with open-collector outputs |
7437 | Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND buffers |
7438 | Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND buffers with open-collector outputs |
7442 | 4-line BCD to 10-line decimal decoders |
7446 | BCD-to-seven-segment decoders/drivers with open collector outputs |
7447 | BCD-to-seven-segment decoders/drivers with open collector outputs |
7448 | BCD-to-seven-segment decoders/drivers with internal pull-ups |
7449 | BCD-to-seven-segment decoders/drivers with open collector outputs and blanking input |
7451 | AND-OR-INVERT gates |
7473 | Dual J-K flip-flops with CLEAR |
7474 | Dual D-type positive-edge-triggered flip-flops with PRESET and CLEAR |
7475 | 4-bit bistable latches |
7477 | 4-bit bistable latches |
7485 | 4-bit magnitude comparators |
7486 | Quadruple 2-input Exclusive-OR gates |
7490 | Decade counters |
7492 | Divide-by-twelve counters |
7493 | 4-bit binary counters |
7495 | 4-bit parallel access shift registers |
74107 | Dual J-K flip-flops with CLEAR |
74109 | Dual J-K positive-edge-triggered flip-flops with PRESET and CLEAR |
74112 | Dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flops with PRESET and CLEAR |
74122 | Retriggerable monostable multivibrators |
74123 | Retriggerable monostable multivibrators |
74125 | Quadruple bus buffers with 3-state outputs and ENABLE inputs |
74126 | Quadruple bus buffers with 3-state outputs and ENABLE inputs |
74130 | Retriggerable monostable multivibrators |
74132 | Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND Schmitt triggers |
74136 | Quadruple 2-input Exclusive-OR gates with open-collector outputs |
74138 | 3-line to 8-line decoders/demultiplexers |
74139 | Dual 2-line to 4-line decoders/demultipliers |
74145 | BCD-to-decimal decoders/drivers |
74147 | 10-line decimal to 4-line BCD priority encoder |
74148 | 8-line to 3-line binary (octal) priority encoder |
74150 | 16 to 1 selector/multiplexer |
74151 | 8 to 1 selector/multiplexer |
74153 | Dual 4-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer |
74155 | Dual 2-line to 4-line decoder/demultiplexer |
74156 | Dual 2-line to 4-line decoder/demultiplexer with open-collector outputs |
74157 | Quadruple 2-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers |
74158 | Quadruple 2-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers with inverted outputs |
74160 | Synchronous 4-bit decade counter with asynchronous CLEAR input |
74161 | Synchronous 4-bit binary counter with asynchronous CLEAR input |
74162 | Synchronous 4-bit decade counter with synchronous CLEAR input |
74163 | Synchronous 4-bit binary counter with synchronous CLEAR input |
74164 | 8-bit serial-in parallel-out shift register |
74165 | 8-bit parallel-in serial-out shift register |
74166 | 8-bit parallel/serial-in serial-out shift register |
74169 | Synchronous 4-bit up/down binary counter |
74173 | 4-bit D-type register with 3-state outputs |
74174 | Hex D-type flip-flops with asynchronous CLEAR |
74175 | Quadruple D-type flip-flops with asynchronous CLEAR and complementary outputs |
74181 | Arithmetic logic unit/function generator |
74190 | Synchronous BCD up/down counter |
74191 | Synchronous binary up/down counter |
74192 | Synchronous BCD up/down counter (dual clock with CLEAR) |
74193 | Synchronous binary up/down counter (dual clock with CLEAR) |
74194 | 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register |
74221 | 2 monostabili/multivibratori cu intrari TRIGGER-SCHMITT |
74240 | 8 buffere si drivere de linie cu iesiri tri-state |
74241 | 8 buffere si drivere de linie cu iesiri tri-state |
74243 | 4 transceivere de magistrala, asincrone bidirectionale |
74244 | 8 buffere si drivere de linie cu iesiri tri-state |
74245 | 8 transceivere de magistrala, asincrone bidirectionale cu iesiri tri-state |
74246 | Decodor/driver de la BCD la sapte segmente cu iesiri cu colector in gol (30V) |
74247 | Decodor/driver de la BCD la sapte segmente cu iesiri cu colector in gol (15V) |
74248 | Decodor/driver de la BCD la sapte segmente cu iesiri cu colector in gol si rezistori pullup interni (5.5V) |
74251 | Multiplexor 8:1 cu iesiri tri-state |
74253 | 2 multiplexoare 4:1 cu iesiri tri-state |
74257 | 4 multiplexoare 2:1 cu iesiri tri-state |
74258 | 4 multiplexoare 2:1 cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74259 | Latch adresabil pe 8 biti |
74266 | 4 porti SAU-EXCLUSIV-NU cu iesiri cu colector in gol |
74273 | 8 bistabili tip D cu stergere asincrona |
74279 | 4 latch-uri S-R |
74280 | Generator/verificator de paritate pe 9 biti |
74283 | Sumator pe 4 biti cu bit de carry rapid |
74290 | Numarator decadic pe 4 biti |
74292 | Divizor programabil de frecventa / cronometru digital |
74293 | Numarator pe 4 biti |
74294 | Divizor programabil de frecventa / cronometru digital |
74295 | Registru de deplasare stinga/dreapta pe 4 biti cu iesiri tri-state |
74298 | 4 multiplexoare 2:1 cu stocare |
74299 | Registru universal de deplasare/stocare pe 8 biti cu iesiri tri-state si stergere asincrona |
74348 | Codor cu prioritate de la 8 la 3 linii cu iesiri tri-state |
74365 | 6 drivere de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state |
74366 | 6 drivere de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74367 | 6 drivere de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state |
74368 | 6 drivere de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74373 | 8 latch-uri tip D transparente cu iesiri tri-state |
74374 | 8 bistabili tip D cu actionare pe front si iesiri tri-state |
74375 | Latch bistabil pe 4 biti |
74377 | 8 bistabili cu cite o singura iesire |
74378 | 6 bistabili cu cite o singura iesire |
74379 | 4 bistabili cu cite doua iesiri (complementare) |
74390 | 2 numaratoare decadice |
74393 | 2 numaratoare pe 4 biti |
74399 | 4 multiplexoare 2:1 cu stocare |
74422 | Monostabil multivibrator retriggerabil cu rezistor de temporizare intern |
74423 | Monostabil multivibrator retriggerabil |
74440 | 4 transceivere de magistrala tridirectionale cu iesiri cu colector in gol |
74441 | 4 transceivere de magistrala tridirectionale cu iesiri cu colector in gol negate |
74442 | 4 transceivere de magistrala tridirectionale cu iesiri tri-state |
74444 | 4 transceivere de magistrala tridirectionale cu iesiri tri-state adevarate si negate |
74465 | 8 buffere cu iesiri tri-state cu validare comuna |
74466 | 8 buffere cu iesiri tri-state cu validare comuna si iesiri negate |
74467 | 8 buffere cu iesiri tri-state cu validari separate pe grupuri de 4 |
74468 | 8 buffere cu iesiri tri-state cu validari separate pe grupuri de 4 si iesiri negate |
74540 | 8 buffere si drivere de linie cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74541 | 8 buffere si drivere de linie cu iesiri tri-state |
74592 | Numarator binar pe 8 biti cu registru de intrare paralel |
74593 | Numarator binar pe 8 biti cu registru de intrare paralel si intrari/iesiri tri-state |
74594 | Registru de deplasare pe 8 biti cu latch buffer la iesire |
74595 | Registru de deplasare pe 8 biti cu latch tri-state la iesire |
74596 | Registru de deplasare pe 8 biti cu latch cu colector in gol la iesire |
74597 | Registru de deplasare pe 8 biti cu latch la intrare |
74598 | Registru de deplasare pe 8 biti cu latch la intrare si intrari/iesiri tri-state |
74599 | Registru de deplasare pe 8 biti cu latch la iesire si iesiri cu colector in gol |
74620 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74621 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri cu colector in gol |
74623 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri tri-state |
74640 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74641 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri cu colector in gol |
74642 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri cu colector in gol negate |
74644 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri cu colector in gol adevarate si negate |
74645 | 8 transceivere de magistrala bidirectionale cu iesiri tri-state |
74646 | 8 transceivere si registre de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state |
74647 | 8 transceivere si registre de magistrala cu iesiri cu colector in gol |
74648 | 8 transceivere si registre de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74649 | 8 transceivere si registre de magistrala cu iesiri cu colector in gol negate |
74651 | 8 transceivere si registre de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state negate |
74652 | 8 transceivere si registre de magistrala cu iesiri tri-state |
74653 | 8 transceivere si registre de magistrala cu iesiri negate tri-state si cu colector in gol |
74668 | Numarator bidirectional sincron pe 4 biti decadic |
74669 | Numarator bidirectional sincron pe 4 biti |
74670 | 4 registri de cite 4 biti cu iesiri tri-state |
74673 | Registru de deplasare pe 16 biti cu intrare/iesire seriala si registru de stocare cu iesiri paralele |
74674 | Registru de deplasare pe 16 biti cu intrari paralele si iesire seriala |
74682 | Comparator de egalitate cu magnitudine de 8 biti cu rezistori pullup de 20 kΩ la iesiri |
74684 | Comparator de egalitate cu magnitudine de 8 biti |
74685 | Comparator de egalitate cu magnitudine de 8 biti cu iesiri cu colector in gol |
74686 | Comparator de egalitate cu magnitudine de 8 biti cu output enable |
74687 | Comparator de egalitate cu magnitudine de 8 biti cu output enable si iesiri cu colector in gol |
74688 | Comparator de egalitate cu magnitudine de 8 biti cu output enable |
74696 | Numarator decadic bidirectional sincron cu registru de iesire si iesiri tri-state multiplexate, cu stergere asincrona |
74697 | Numarator binar bidirectional sincron cu registru de iesire si iesiri tri-state multiplexate, cu stergere asincrona |
74699 | Numarator binar bidirectional sincron cu registru de iesire si iesiri tri-state multiplexate, cu stergere sincrona |
American code | Russian suffix | American code | Russian suffix |
7400 | ЛА3 | 74140 | ЛА6 |
7401 | ЛА8 | 74141 | ИД1 |
7402 | ЛЕ1 | 74145 | ИД10 |
7403 | ЛА9 | 74148 | ИВ1 |
7404 | ЛН1 | 74150 | КП1 |
7405 | ЛН2 | 74151 | КП7 |
7406 | ЛН3 | 74152 | КП5 |
7407 | ЛН4 | 74153 | КП2 |
7408 | ЛИ1 | 74154 | ИД3 |
7410 | ЛА4 | 74155 | ИД4 |
7411 | ЛИ3 | 74160 | ИЕ9 |
7412 | ЛА10 | 74163 | ИЕ10 |
7413 | ТЛ1 | 74164 | ИР8 |
7414 | ТЛ2 | 74165 | ИР9 |
7415 | ЛИ4 | 74168 | ИЕ16 |
7416 | ЛН5 | 74169 | ИЕ17 |
7417 | ЛП4 | 74170 | РП1 |
7420 | ЛА1 | 74172 | РП3 |
7421 | ЛИ6 | 74173 | ИР15 |
7422 | ЛА7 | 74174 | ТМ9 |
7423 | ЛЕ2 | 74175 | ТМ8 |
7425 | ЛЕ3 | 74180 | ИП2 |
7426 | ЛА11 | 74181 | ИП3 |
7427 | ЛЕ4 | 74182 | ИП4 |
7428 | ЛЕ5 | 74184 | ПР6 |
7430 | ЛА2 | 74185 | ПР7 |
7432 | ЛЛ1 | 74192 | ИЕ6 |
7434 | ЛИ9 | 74193 | ИЕ7 |
7437 | ЛА12 | 74194 | ИР11 |
7438 | ЛА13 | 74195 | ИР12 |
7440 | ЛА6 | 74196 | ИЕ14 |
7442 | ИД6 | 74197 | ИЕ15 |
7450 | ЛР1 | 74198 | ИР13 |
7451 | ЛР11 | 74240 | АП3 |
7453 | ЛР3 | 74241 | АП4 |
7454 | ЛР13 | 74242 | ИП6 |
7455 | ЛР4 | 74243 | ИП7 |
7460 | ЛД1 | 74245 | АП6 |
7464 | ЛР9 | 74251 | КП15 |
7465 | ЛР10 | 74253 | КП12 |
7472 | ТВ1 | 74257 | КП11 |
7474 | ТМ2 | 74258 | КП14 |
7475 | ТМ7 | 74260 | ЛЕ7 |
7477 | ТМ5 | 74261 | ИП8 |
7480 | ИМ1 | 74279 | ТР2 |
7481 | РУ1 | 74283 | ИМ6 |
7482 | ИМ2 | 74295 | ИР16 |
7483 | ИМ3 | 74298 | КП13 |
7485 | СП1 | 74299 | ИР24 |
7490 | ИЕ2 | 74322 | ИР28 |
7492 | ИЕ4 | 74358 | ИМ7 |
7493 | ИЕ5 | 74366 | ЛН6 |
7497 | ИЕ8 | 74367 | ЛП11 |
74107 | ТВ6 | 74373 | ИР22 |
74109 | ТВ15 | 74374 | ИР23 |
74112 | ТВ9 | 74377 | ИР27 |
74113 | ТВ10 | 74381 | ИК2 |
74114 | ТВ11 | 74384 | ИП9 |
74121 | АГ1 | 74385 | ИМ7 |
74123 | АГ3 | 74395 | ИР25 |
74124 | ГГ1 | 74482 | ВГ1 |
74125 | ЛП8 | 74630 | ВЖ1 |
74128 | ЛЕ6 | 74670 | ИР26 |
74132 | ТЛ3 | AM25S05 | ИК1 |
74134 | ЛА19 | AM25S07 | ИР18 |
74136 | ЛЛ3 | AM25S08 | ИР19 |
74138 | ИД7 | AM25S09 | ИР20 |
74139 | ИД14 | AM25S10 | ИР21 |